Take The Cost Out of Delivery and Give Your Viewers Better Quality.

By using the Blockcast Network, content providers, whether streaming operators or gaming companies, can reduce their delivery costs while improving quality of experience and even making content available locally they might want to stream or access later.

Content Margins Are Slim. QoE Expectations Are High. It's Time to Make a Change.

The Blockcast next-gen open CDN can change the profit landscape of your business. By leveraging multicast and a distributed architecture, the Blockcast Network can significantly lower your content delivery costs without compromising on the quality of experience. In other words, you spend less, and your viewers watch more. Through standard CDN interfaces, you'll be able to provision capacity across footprint, leverage multicast over-the-air delivery, and even pre-position content directly into your subscriber's homes. Change made.

Higher Quality
How much does it cost to stream the 4K content your viewers want? By pre-positioning higher-quality content, your viewers get the best viewing experience.
Send content directly into your subscribers who have a Blockbox installed. When they request that content, it's served locally and not on your dime.
Reduced Costs
By leveraging multicast delivery, whether that's through over-the-air networks or from the ISP edge, you can significantly reduce delivery costs.
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